The global landscape is changing. As a leader, you're probably used to dealing with change. In the era of VUCA, do you feel that the world is changing faster and more complex than before? Has everything been laid out for the maximization of self and social value in the next five years? Have you ever thought about how to get out of your comfort zone, and explore inward?The second half will be a fresh start.
A DBA program is more than a simple extension of an EMBA degree. It is a new journey of mental exploration, which requires its participants to quickly learn to think out of box and perceive and understand the working paradigm in the new fields.
“Why DBA?Why emlyon Global DBA? ”Join us in May 26, you will meet Prof. CHEN Junsong, Assistant Dean of emlyon business school, Asia Director of Global DBA Asia Track. He will share with you how to gain insights from management practices. At the same time, you will meet Mr. Ray DONG, Global DBA participant, he will share on his DBA life and research topic, and how to convert his years of industry wisdoms and experience to a theoretical level through his doctoral research. Besides, you will know by exploring practices and cutting-edge knowledge in the Global DBA Program, how they join hands in creating insights that benefit their own enterprises,industry and the society.
“Nowadays, knowledge workers live longer than organizations, and they are not subject to any organization. Thus, the demond of people for self-management set off a revolution in human affairs.”
On Jan 5th,2020 ,Prof. William WANG hua, associate dean of emlyon business school, Dean of emlyon business school Asia, French Dean of Asia Europe business school, Prof. Junsong CHEN, Assistant Dean of emlyon business school Asian Campus & Director of emlyon Global DBA Asia Track will give a sharing at Shanghai. They will share us the value of the existence of scholarly business leaders, how emlyon Global DBA Program has been continuously optimized and upgraded and what leads to its refined program design of 2020 intake. All these topics can lead you to create real business impact and value, and become scholarly business leaders.
In the face of enormous changes, in addition to growth, more and more outstanding executives have also begun to "introspect", that is, to deeply reflect on themselves. Standing at the peak of their career journey, they are exploring the driving force that stimulates internal development again and the potential of reshaping their future career roadmap.
In the beginning of 2020, the world has been disturbed by the financial turmoil triggered by a set of "black swan" events. The US stocks market repeatedly triggered the circuit breaker and fell into a technical bear market, followed by the simultaneous circuit breaking of several stock markets in Europe. Bonds, futures, gold and even Bitcoin have suffered heavy losses. Subsequently, different central banks took big moves, which pushed the global stock markets upward….
emlyon business school Asian Campus